the real hero

Monday, November 2, 2009
Siapa sih pahlawanya cowok?
Jika pertanyaan itu diajukan ke sepuluh orang cowok, tidak mustahil kamu akan mendapatkan jawaban yang berbeda-beda. Seorang cowok penggemar sepak bola, tentu akan mengatakan pahlawan mereka David Beckam, Ronaldo, Pele, Maradona atau pemain lainya. Tapi coba tanyakan pada cowok penggemar otomotif, jawabanya kalo nggak Valentino Rossi pasti Stoner. Cowok penggemar music beda lagi, pahlawan mereka mungkin The Beatles, Rolling Stoone, Kurt Cobain, Iwan Fals, Slank, atau bahkan Opick, tergantung pada selera musicnya.

Membicarakan sosok pahlawan sesungguhnya tak bisa dipilah berdasarkan gender. Saya sendiri menganggap RA Kartini sebagai pahlawan karena buah pikiranya dalam “Habis gelap terbiitlah terang” berhasil menggerakan para cewek dan menyadarkan para cowok untuk tak lagi menempatkan wanita hanya sebagai objek, tapi juga pelaku sejarah. Selain RA Kartini masih ada Cut Nyak Dien dan Martina Marta Tiahahu, yang tak sekedar berjuang lewat kata, tapi terjun langsung ke medan laga memerangi kazaliman para penjajah.
Di jaman Rosulullah Saw kita mengenal Saudah binti Zam’ah ra., seorang janda yang dinikahi oleh Rosulullah Saw karena jerih payah yang dilakukanya ketika hijrah ke Abyssinia. Meninggallkan rumah dan kekayaanya, melintasi padang pasir dan lautan menuju tanah tak dikenal karena bertujuan untuk melayani agama Allah. Perjuangan saudah untuk melayani agama Allah itu merupakan tindakan kepahlawanan.
Apa dan siapa sesungguhnya pahlawan itu?
“Heroes are selfless peoples who perform extraordinary acts. Themark of heroes is not necessarily the result of their action, but what they are willing to do for other and for their chosen cause. Even if they fail, their determination lives on for others to follow. Their glory lies not in the achievement, but in the sacrifice. “(kata pak Susilo Bambang Yudoyono dalam majalah Time).
Jika diterjemahkan secara bebas pernyataan tersebut bermakna: Pahlawan adalah orang (biasa) yang tidak egois dan berbuat sesuatu yang luarbiasa. Penghormatan kepada pahlawan tidak harus selalu dilihat hasilnya. Bahkan jika gagal sekalipun, kemauan kerasnya untuk berbuat sesuatu untuk orang lain akan terus dikenang. Jadi, kebesaran tidak diukur dari hasil yang dicapai, melainkan kesedianya berkorban untuk sesamanya.
Maka ada begitu banyak pahlawan yang telah banyak meninggalkan jejaknya dalam kehidupan kita. Dalam buku “Seratus tokoh yang paling berpengaruh dalam sejarah”, Michael H Hart menempatkan Rosulullah Muhammad Saw pada urutan teratas. Apa yang dilakukan oleh Rosulullah sepanjang hidupnya sungguh-sungguh meninggalkan jejak berupa peradaban Islam yang masih bisa terus kita nikmati hingga saat ini, sepatutnyalah kita menempatkan Beliau sebagai pahlawan paling utama.
Namun demikian, semua pahlawan termasuk Rosulullah yang telah menorehkan jejaknya dalam lembar sejarah kehidupan manusia, terlahir dari seorang ibu. Sembilan bulan sepuluh hari ibu berjuang melalui tali plasenta. Seorang ibu rela menggadaikan hidunya demi melahirkan kita. Setelah lahir, ia melimpahkan cintanya lewat air susunya. Adakah yang lebih patut dianggap pahlawan selain ibu?
Dan kami perintahkan kepada manusia (berbuat baik) kepada orang ibu bapaknya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dalam keadaan lemah yang bertambah-tambah, dan menyapihnya dalam dua tahun. Bersyukurlah kepadaKu dan kepada dua orang ibu bapakmu, hanya kepadaKulah kembalimu. (QS Lukman 14)

55 komentar:

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Anonymous said... February 5, 2010 at 7:35 AM


With the continuing rise in popularity of facebook poker chips as a virtual currency in zynga texas holdem poker game many hackers have engaged themselves, who try their best to trick unsuspecting players out of their hard earned bebo poker chips. All over the internet forums are littered with posts by innocent people who have had their poker chips stolen. Nothing is as sorry state as logging to Facebook or MySpace to play a few games of poker only to find that your account is hacked and your poker chips are gone.[/b][/color]


[color=#cccccc][b]Keep these basic things in mind to protect your facebook poker chips:

Never give your password to a stranger: Trust is a delicate thing that takes a long time to build but only second to destroy. You may meet a stranger in poker room and you are friends with him/her. He/she will keep interacting with you days before playing her trick. So be carefull enough to protect your login credentials to yourself, else this may lead to disaster.

Be careful about what you download: Regular online gamers are looking for cheats or hacks for the games they play in order to give them an edge on their opponents. Poker is no different and there are many sites on the internet having facebook poker cheats and hacks for those brave enough to download and install them. But many of these so called facebook poker cheats have viruses or trojan programs. The moment you install any of these your computer is at the risk of attacks by the creator of the program. He can then have access to vital information that you access from your computer. Leaving your facebook poker account at risk of been hacked. If you never downloaded any of these programs then you’re probably safe, and if you have then you should run a spyware detection program. The best move will be for get your computer formatted to avoid any loop holes.

Phishing Links: This way of hacking has been thee for quite sometime now. Hackers send legitimate and official looking emails to your inbox. When you open them you are asked to click on the link and login in order to save your account or win free facebook poker chips, but in reality you are logging into a fake site that sends your information off to the scammer who made it. Before you find it out, its too late to react and they would have already broken into your account and emptied it of any facebook poker chips that you may have.

YouTube scams: If you do a search on youtube for facebook poker cheats, zynga poker hacks, or free facebook poker chips you’ll find hundreds of videos on the topic. More than 90% of them are made by idiots hoping to convince you to send them your account information. They range from slightly clever to completely moronic.

Image Photo Having Exe Embedded In it: This one is hard to catch. This is the latest fashion that is used by phisher, you will be asked to share family photo's. When you open their photo, that will innitiate an exe in the background which will steal all your information and send to the mastermind behin it. So be careful with whom you share photos.

Hope these tips help you saving your chips.

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Anonymous said... June 2, 2010 at 10:49 PM

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On the other hand if you were to lose then you would wager twice what your original bet was. According to proponents of the system, this strategy will eventually enable you to win the bets you place and when you win you would recover all your lost bets plus one unit profit against your initial wager.

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With this movement the United States has taken a different approach to online gambling. Whereas other countries are working with these services to regulate them, the United States is attempting to prohibit them once and for all. By doing this they are missing out on the ability to tax internet gambling instead of getting rid of it entirely. Conservative estimates have shown that taxing these services could make the government in upwards of $6 billion a year.

The important thing to note here is that neither of the above approaches is "systemised", although those in the first group believe that they are limiting losses while increasing their winning chances. But what the majority in that first group generally do not take proper account of is how the Bookies have fixed the odds to ensure that they, the Bookies, will come out on top in the long run. What this means is that if you only bet on "favourites" you will eventually lose all your money, although it is true that you will enjoy a much longer period of betting before you kiss your last buck goodbye!

Anonymous said... June 20, 2010 at 10:17 PM

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Anonymous said... August 17, 2010 at 3:02 AM - [url=]Online Shopping[/url] for Christmas

It appears each yr people today begin browsing before and previously for Christmas. Final 12 weeks I began in the starting of October and had all of the reveals wrapped from the end belonging to the month. This 12 several weeks I began even sooner to carry benefit of the couple of outlets providing mid 12 many weeks revenue.

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Why Store Before

Browsing before has two major benefits - obtaining more effective offers and avoiding the vacation rush. However it has its drawbacks as well. Various toy and game producers specially, only launch their newest goods rather near towards the holidays. This usually means that if you're planning to store within the center within the yr, you won't have the ability to acquire the most current things relating to the marketplace. One way to obtain all around this would be to pre-order. Actually pre-ordering solutions may well even fetch you reductions and totally free presents.
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But in quite a lot of instances, should you maintain your eyes open, you are able to get far better offers throughout the slow or off season, retail smart. A considerable amount of mobile phone producers launch their newest versions through the center with the calendar year. This usually means that previous designs is going to be heading at rock bottom rates about two many weeks prior to the launch of your replacement.

Some persons carry browsing before towards the severe but buying proper following the holidays towards the following holidays. Post vacation revenue are occasionally even far better than pre-holiday product sales as departmental shops make an effort to obvious excess stock by providing ridiculous discount rates.

Needful Adjustments

Moving up Christmas searching a number of several weeks requires slightly adjustment, spending budget smart, specially in the course of the 1st yr from the timetable alter. Nonetheless it doesn't carry significantly to acquire used to it. Its just a matter of retaining to some set routine of placing slightly money apart for exposes.

The Gift Conundrum

Apart from producing purchases all through revenue, purchasing in bulk can conserve you plenty of money. Its continually great to break recipients into a couple of groups 1st - near household, loved ones, near buddies, associates, colleagues - you receive the concept. Performing so enables you to organize your purchasing healthier. That stated I only have two recipient groups - instant loved ones and other people.

Obviously you'll wish to purchase additional private and thoughtful presents to the folks closer for you. But for additional generic presents, I advise pack purchasing, which can be just like pack hunting, only nicer.

Pack searching right here suggests gathering a few of close friends with comparable searching lists after which acquiring in bulk to carry benefit of economies of scale. I usually pack store with two other many people in relation to generic presents. You can locate that you can actually get extremely great presents like wine glasses at certainly good costs whenever you pack store.

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Anonymous said... February 25, 2013 at 11:14 PM

Many times, when talking about [url=]Thoi trang nu[/url], it is not a good idea to consider it in isolated terms.

That is why you have to consider all of the accessible information. Therefore you do have to be cautious about what you choose and dismiss. You will have the ability to make the best decisions when you are confident you have all you need to know. You want to know what you are working with, so here are some areas within this subject you should use the time to consider.

The general difficulties of women's and men's fashion

Both men and women could feel the demands of maintaining their clothing up-to-date and in season, yet men's style often feels a lot simpler. Of program, for both genders, garments and fashion options can be equally as complex, and there are lots of'modern'items that could easily become fashion faux pas - who can say they often see people walking around in 70s flares? On the other side, men's fashion includes a few choice things that can exist eternally - which man is planning to look out of position with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick traditional cuts, colours and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.

Why classic men's fashion is timeless

The traditional man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are several options for different occasions, however they are all common in their quest for a wise, sharp try to find the person. The good thing about common fashion for men is that it is effectively fashionable effortlessly neat. A well-groomed gentleman can more often than not appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and it is a testament to the style of such apparel. A suit will be worn to work in several jobs because of the professional look it affords to the person, instilling a sense of respect and confidence. Similarly a suit will undoubtedly be utilized to many social functions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This incredible versatility that allows matches to be worn in almost all situations is what gives it its timeless side and a lasting invest men's fashion.

Modern developments in traditional men's fashion

Although basic men's designs can never be changed, it's interesting to observe that shifts in men's fashion trends have produced certain classic garments back in fashion. The reputation of vintage clothing, specifically, has brought back a wide-variety of basic styles into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy gentleman. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress in a classic yet elegant way, placing value on appearance and operating in a refined manner. This trend for almost'over-the-top'common style for men is apparent from events such as the'Tweed Run', wherever men and women of all ages dress yourself in obviously Victorian-style outfit and take to the streets on vintage cycles - with lots of the men sporting flawless mustaches! This is only one of many examples of evidence exhibiting the resurrection of such types. Additionally, there are numerous sites on the web which give attention to gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete web sites such as'The Art of Manliness'specialized in giving articles on basic men's fashion and grooming.

In summary, whilst certain issues with traditional men's fashion can be brought back as new trends, the simple outfits which they derive from will never slip out of fashion.

"All it requires are a few simple clothes. And there's one key - the easier the better." - Cary Grant

StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a complex perspective.
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