After 14 years as news anchor for TV's most popular morning show, Curry
joined Matt Lauer as co-anchor of NBC's "Today." She was passed over for
the position in 2006 when Meredith Vieira got the top job, but stayed
on and focused her reporting on hard-hitting international news:
traveling to Darfur, the Congo, Iraq, Afghanistan and Haiti to report on
humanitarian struggles, wars and natural disasters.
She's watched by an average of 6 million every morning. Curry is out of
bed by 3:45 every morning and reads four newspapers. She's interviewed
the Dalai Lama five times, and Twitter called one of her 2010 tweets the
year's most powerful. The 50-character message implored the Air Force
to allow physicians to land in Haiti to administer aid to the injured
and dying after the earthquake.
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